Looking Forward: Mobile World Congress 2017

por | Feb 22, 2017 | Eventos Secmotic | 0 Comentarios

Mobile World Congress 2017 is only one week away and anticipation is mounting. This year, Mobile World Congress is providing an essential in-depth analysis of the future of the mobile tech industry, including growth opportunities. With a new lineup of speakers, networking events, and exhibitions, the conference is shaping up to be one of the best in years.

Keynote Speakers Mobile World Congress 2017:

One of the biggest draws of this years conference are the featured speakers. This year, they range from leaders of some the hottest tech companies in the world, to heads of non-profits, to government regulators. Each will provide a unique perspective on the current state of the mobile industry, its future, and ways to grow in this rapidly changing industry. Below are a few of the biggest names coming to the conference. Click here for a full list


John Hanke: Founder and CEO of Niantic. Creator of Pokemon-Go
Reed Hastings: Founder and CEO of Netflix
Bob Moritz: Global Chairman of PWC

Non-Profit Leaders:

Brian Pallas: Founder and CEO of Opportunity Network
Julia Puig: Founder and CCO of Opportunity Network


Ajit Pai: Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communication Commission
Andrus Ansip: Vice-President of the European Commission

Mobile World Congress 2017 Networking Events

In addition to key note speakers, this year’s conference features a number of networking events. Companies like EY, ES ET, and Xaxis are all holding networking sessions targeted at specific problems many companies face within the mobile space. SAP is also holding a brand-new event targeted at helping women advance their careers within the technology field. These events offer a great opportunity to make personal contacts while also helping to improve businesses and solve common problems.

Mobile World Congress 2017 Exhibitions

Finally, the 2017 conference provides opportunities to discover new technology solutions. There are events to look at the offerings of the Mobile World Congress sponsor companies, next generation technologies (VR, drones, and AI), and startups. Additionally, there is the opprtunitz to ahve zour own companz featured in an exhibtion togain new sales leads.

The Mobile World Congress 2017 looks like it is going to be one of the best ever. Have you bought your tickets yet?

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